StoryLine Help Site"How To" GuideChapter 2: How to create a story package (Basics)Article 11: Ability to disable teaser creation for biographies

Article 11: Ability to disable teaser creation for biographies

Bio packages were originally designed for on-air talent. With this release we are introducing the ability to disable teaser creation with a toggle. Now, our local station talent can create their own biography package without impacting the news team page on the website. The biography page will be accessible by directly navigating to the page with the URL path. This capability of disabling teaser creation is to support an upcoming release of linking an author to a story.   

Step 1: Navigate to the Stories Library

Step 2: Select "+ new bio"

Step 4: Attach a profile picture. Recommend (320 x 420)

Step 5: Observe the "Show Teaser" toggle in ON by default. To disable teaser creation on the news team page toggle to OFF.

Step 6: Publish the bio package.

Note: The bio package has been successfully published and can be viewed by navigating directly to the bio by URL path. 


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