Article 4: Text Searching

Step 1: Click on the "Stories" tab of StoryLine.

NOTE: From this screen, users can sort, filter, and search for created packages. By default this screen will show both stories and alerts.

Step 2: Click on the "search stories" textbox.

Step 3: To find stories by Byline type a full or partial Byline in the "search stories" textbox and press enter.

Step 4: To find stories by Headline, type a full or partial Headline in the "search stories" textbox, select the "headline" filter and press enter.

NOTE: When searching for headlines it will also find stories that have those keywords in all searchable fields if the filter is not set to just search for Headline


Step 5: To find the exact live story you wish to edit, the easiest way is to search by URL from the site.

Step 6: To find the exact story you wish to edit that is in draft, the easiest way it to search by UUID from StoryLine

NOTE: The easiest way to send and share draft stories internally, or to return to a draft you need to work on multiple times, is to save the UUID to search for at a later time. Copy and paste the full URL from StoryLine or save the UUID to search later.

Step 7: If you are getting too many results, try narrowing by date.

NOTE: By default, dates are not restricted.

NOTE: Provide "From" and "Thru" dates to find stories within a date range.

NOTE: You can clear the date range by selecting the 'X'.


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