Getting Moderator Permissions

To get moderator permissions follow these four steps

Step 1: Register an account

Register an account on a local news station website:

1. Hover over the Account icon in the top right of the window

2. Select Register

3. Fill in the fields, making sure to use the same email address you use when logging into Storyline

4. Select Continue

5. Go to Outlook, find the welcome email, and select verify

6. Your account is now registered

Step 2: Sign in

to your new account:

1. Hover over the Account icon in the top right of the window

2. Fill in your email address and password

3. Select Sign In

4. You’re now signed in

Step 3: Activate a user commenting profile

Activate your user commenting profile:

1. Navigate to any story with commenting enabled

2. Select any commenting call to action or scroll down to view the Conversation widget

3. Your account has now been linked to a commenting profile behind the scenes

4. You can now post and interact with comments just as a standard user would.

Step 4: Request moderator permissions

Submit a support ticket with the following content:

1. Email Address used to register on the news station website.

2. Screen Name

3. Station Call Letters

4. Wait for confirmation that moderator permissions have been added to your account.


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