Article 3: Replacing the weather forecast video

Step 1: Inside the weather authoring screen, select the media tab.

Step 1: Inside the weather authoring screen, select the media tab.

Step 2: Click the update button to replace the current weather clip.

Step 2: Click the update button to add or replace the current weather clip.

Step 3: This will display the broadcasts by default.

Step 3: This will display the broadcasts by default.

Step 4: Clicking the video filter will show existing videos that may have been previously clipped.

Step 4: Clicking the video filter will show existing videos that may have been previously clipped.

NOTE: You can clip a video ahead of time and select it within this menu.

Step 5: Return to broadcast filter and select one.

Step 5: Return to broadcast filter and select one.

NOTE: Live broadcasts will display and are encoding along side the broadcast. Check back to see more of the live newscast.

Step 6: User can play the clip by clicking the play buttons or by pressing the "SPACE" key

Step 6: User can play the clip by clicking the play buttons or by pressing the "SPACE" key

Step 7: To set the In-Point of the clip either manually drag the first point on the red slider, play the video and click the Trim Start Time arrow at the desired time, or use the hotkey 'I'

Step 7: To set the In-Point of the clip either manually drag the first point on the red slider, play the video and click the Trim Start Time arrow at the desired time, or use the hotkey 'I'

Step 8: To set the Out-Point of the clip either manually drag the last point on the red slider, play the video and click the Trim End Time arrow at the desired time, or use the hotkey 'O'

Step 8: To set the Out-Point of the clip either manually drag the last point on the red slider, play the video and click the Trim End Time arrow at the desired time, or use the hotkey 'O'

Step 9: Once a selection is made, give the clip a name

Step 9: Once a selection is made, give the clip a name

Step 10: To create the clip select the "clip" button or use the hotkey 'C'

Step 10: To create the clip select the "clip" button or use the hotkey 'C'

User can make multiple clips from the same video and will show up under the "Clips" section.

Please wait until the clip is finished loading before leaving this screen.

Step 11: When the clip is finished, select the "done" button

Step 11: When the clip is finished, select the "done" button

Step 12: This will attach the clip to the weather area.

Step 12: This will attach the clip to the weather area.

Step 13: Publish to commit update.

Step 13: Publish to commit update.


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